Directions: From McKenzie Bridge,OR, travel east on Highway 126
for 18 miles to the Clear Lake Area.
For the Coldwater Cove Campground trailhead: before reaching Clear
Lake, turn right on Forest Road 770, heading northeast 1 mile to
Coldwater Cove Campground.
For the Clear Lake Resort trailhead; drive past the road to
Coldwater Cove Campground to the road to Clear Lake Resort. There
is a picnic area there with parking.
All miles are approximate, yours may vary.
The loop trail from the campground can start either to the north
or southwest of the campground. If you follow the rail to the
north you will go up the east side of the lake to the head of the
lake. Along the way you will pass the Great Springs which are
regarded as the start of the McKenzie River. At the north end of
the lake, you will hike a short distance up Fish Lake Creek to
where the Loop trail departs to the right from the McKenzie River
National Scenic Trail (which continues north up Fish Lake Creek
for about half a mile to the start of that trail). When the Clear
Lake Loop Trail leaves the McKenzie River Trail, it goes south to
rejoin the lake and proceed along the west side of the lake. This
west side portion goes through the Clear Lake Resort and a short
distance south on roads until the picnic area where it becomes a
foot trail again. It goes south to the end of the lake where a
bridge crosses the (small) McKenzie River and then goes back to
the Coldwater Cove Campground.